What is surrealist Manifesto?


The first surrealist manifesto was written by the great Breton and this document was released to the public eye in 1924. It was the conclusion of the writings of  the Surrealist team and wanted to scatter the ‘Rationalism’ which commanded about the first world war.

For an extract of the first surrealist manifesto, see this link.

Then in 1930, Breton asked Surrealists to assess their “degree of moral competence”. Following this a second manifesto was created called the Second manifeste du surréalisme. The manifesto communicated the Surrealists reluctance to commit to collective action. A prière d’insérer (printed insert) published with the Manifesto’s release was signed by those Surrealists who remained loyal to Breton. They also decided to participate in a new publication titled Surrealism at the Service of the Revolution.

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